About Myu


 I like k-pop since I was in elementary school. So, I like listen to k-pop music and watch k-pop video.  I was happy to be able to go to concerts of various groups as a univercity student. There are some groups I haven't met yet, so I'd like to meet them when I get a chance. My love of k-pop has led to an interest in Korea, and I would like to study about Korea at this university.

 "TRESURE" concert


 I was born and raised in Sukagawa City, Fukushima Prefecture. Sukagawa City is located in the middle of Fukushima Prefecture. In this town, carp streamers are displayed on the Shakado River that runs through the town in May. Everyone takes picture there. Also, there were food stalls near this river before the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, this town holds a big fireworks display every August.This fireworks display attracts people from many places. This fireworks display had not been held for four years due to the Corona.

"carp streamers"

 I went to high school in the next town over, Koriyama. I took a 10 minute train ride and a 20 minute bus ride to high school. I was in chorus club in junior high school and high school. This high school uniform is pink and unusual design. 

"my friends is wearing a uniform."


 I started living along as a univercity student. I was lonely at first. However, now I've made friends and am enjoying school. Also, I have to do everything myself. It's very hard but glad to see more things I can do.  In addition, I enjoy my English classes because I can be taught by a native teacher. So, I also like and understand English better than before.


  1. Hi, I'm Nanako. I like K-pop too --you know it : ) Your school uniform is very cute! I enjoy English class too!! Let's go play sometimes!

    1. Thank you, Nana! Let's talk a lot more!

  2. Hi, I'm Wakaba! I've been to Fukushima Prefecture before, but I've never been to the fireworks festival in Sukagawa City, so I'd like to go there!


